Friday, April 17, 2009

All about Kursus

Assalamualaikum....Salam I'm back...kini ku kembali.....

Sudah agak lama juga, saya tidak menyelenggara blog saya ini....saban minggu dipenuhi dengan kursus...jika dibilang dari Januari 2009...bermula awal semester, bulan 1...kursus Pengurusan Ko-kurikulum dan Jati Diri....berkaitan dengan Pertolongan Cemas, Etika dan Protokol -how to dress up, how to behave in ceremony, etika di meja makan etc, Pencegahan Kebakaran, Perkhemahan...actually kursus tersebut penting sebagai pengukuhan untuk saya mengajar R2001 Ko-kurikulum 1- Polibriged...

Seterusnya, if I'm not mistaken...I had attended Kursus Asas Tajwid....and then Occupation Safety and Health talk by JKKP means Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan. JKKP is under Kementerian Sumber Manusia...we also had been given a talk by JPS, Kelantan...The course important not only been used at work but also should be applied at home...di rumah kita terdedah dengan hazad seperti kebakaran di dapur, lantai licin etc. Prevention is better than cure right!

The excellent course I've been attended this semester is Research Methodology 1, talked by Prof Dr. Haji Kamaruzaman Jusoff. My beloved former lecturer. He had been given Visiting Prof for Yale Universiti in 2008. He is now at Kyoto University, well as UPM's lecturer. Insyallah, I'll try to write journal after this...

Last few days, I've been attended Irrigation Automation course...we've done the PCB litar and run it to the programmes...OK that's all about is Friday, hopefully I could finished marking my students quiz and test...and also tidy up the house....Sunday will be our working day in East Coast....Wassalam

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